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Diese Beschreibung wurde aus dem Englischen übersetzt - Lesen Sie hier die ursprüngliche Version
3-Modus Octaver Gitarren-Effektpedal
Produktnummer: 8508
Create monster sound by adding two additional tones using your guitar�one and two octaves below the original tone. This BEHRINGER product has been designed to compete head to head with leading products on the market. * There are dedicated volume controls for all three tones for effective sound shaping, and a flexible 3-mode Range switch allows ultimate bass performance. We`ve included a status LED for effect On/Off and battery check, and you can run your UO100 on a 9 V battery or a DC power supply (not included). For absolutely noise-free operation, a first-class electronic On/Off switch is integrated. The UO100 works wonderfully with bass too!
Designed for use with: Guitar/Bass