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Die neue 01v96i-Mischpult, gibt es die perfekte Performance für Sie in atemberaubenden 96 kHz Ton zu erfassen. Jetzt mit 16 in/16 out USB-2.0-Audio-streaming mit einer beeindruckenden 96kHz, die komplette Palette der Yamahas gefeierten Virtual Circuitry Modeling DSP-Effekte und neu verbesserte Studio-Quality Kopf Amp und die neueste Version von Steinbergs Cubase AI plus jetzt mit einem Upgrade auf Cubase 7.5 und einen Steinberg USB-Lizenz-Schlussel. Die 01V96i dauert jeden Aspekt Ihrer mischen und auf die nachste Ebene aufnehmen.
Produktnummer: 39606
96kHz Multi-Track Live Recording with Single Connection
The 01V96i's USB 2.0 connectivity allows for multi track recording and playback in live sound applications. It's never been easier to capture, edit and produce high quality audio with the 16 in/16 out live audio streaming at 96kHz and seamless DAW integration with a single connection. MIDI capabilities mean you can harness the power of the latest Cubase AI software that comes included.
Create With A Blank Canvas
Yamaha's philosophy is that technology should give you the purest signal reproduction possible as a starting point for you to add your own signature. Yamaha's acclaimed VCM effects faithfully model the analogue circuitry of classic effect units bringing the richness and warmth of analogue to a digital environment with stunning authenticity.
24bit/96kHz Performance with Studio Quality Head Amps
01V96i has high resolution 96kHz and 32bit internal processing (58-bit accumulator) as standard. All onboard A/D and D/A conversion makes use of top-performance 24bit/96kHz converters. It features improved, studio-quality head amps that offer extremely high resolution and an impressive sense of space. With onboard converters operating at the full 24bits and 96kHz, you can be sure that nothing is lost in the digital representation of the transparent output from these exceptional preamps.
96kHz Internal Effects and Quality Compression, Gating and Delay
To prevent having to convert down to a lower sampling rate for effect processing Yamaha have included a comprehensive range of 96kHz compatible stereo effects. The 01V96i features flexible, independent channel compression and gating/ducking processors for dynamics control, 4-band parametric channel equalizers that offer extra versatility with switchable "type I" or "type II" EQ algorithms, as well as a channel delay. Excluding channel delay, all channel processors come with an extensive selection of presets that can be used unmodified or edited to suit. All channel functions except gating are also provided on all output buses.
01V96i Editing Package
01V96i Editor is a total management software package that gives you control of all parameters via your computer. Editor is available for Windows or MAC and provides comprehensive monitoring and real-time display of channel status when online. Offline, you can edit and manage scene data, patch lists, and other functions for a significant boost in control and efficiency. If you use different consoles, you can easily save your settings to a computer, then load them into another console. It is also an effective tool for safely managing your backups.
To read more about the Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixing Console please download the PDF below.
Cubase 7.5 has been produced to give musicians, producers and engineers the tools they need to get the job done at the highest possible level. New features have been added to streamline the process of making music. Not only does this make the process easier, but also quicker. Steinberg have created new features that allow you to manage your tracks and ideas in a much more intuitive way. The way VST instruments and FX integrate has been improved to offer better accessibility and includes 8 fantastic instruments and 69 high-end effects. Now Cubase 7.5 offers more musical features than ever before, making this version of the software more creative, easier to use and most importantly sounding better than ever before.
Features like track visibility mode allow you select what tracks you want to see. Large projects can get confusing when you have a high number of tracks. Track visibility can be used to streamline the arrange window and allow you to focus on the tracks remaining. It could be that you wish to hide all your MIDI tracks, or finalized versions you have recorded to audio. To do this enter the track visibility tab and de-select the white button next to each track you want to hide.
Instrument (t)rack 2.0 in Cubase 7.5 has updated the way plugins are opened. When you add a VST to the VST rack, a corresponding track is also added to the project window and vice versa. Instrument tracks now have multiple outputs for any instrument which can be easily selected.
TrackVersions has been designed to allow you to work on different versions of the same track, while keeping the same settings. You are now able to create, rename and manage parallel versions from inside the channel dropdown. This means you could for instance record multiple bass lines on the same channel and use the drop down to select the best one. Or you could be working on different vocal tracks and need to submit different versions. TrackVersion places alternative versions of recordings at hand where you need them. This process allows you to speed up your workflow and works with audio, MIDI, instruments, chord, tempo and signature tracks.
Cubase 7.5 now includes the new Groove Agent SE 4, the follow up to the hugely successful Groove Agent ONE. The great thing about the Groove Agent is its ease of use. It has been designed to resemble the MPC and maps for perfect integration. This allows you to start making beats quickly in a natural way and not having to feel like you been hindered by over complicated menus and processes. A Drum Machine is only as good as its sounds and these sounds have been designed and recorded by some of the most talented engineers available. This means you can go from laying down fat Hip Hop beats, then switch to groovy funk Beats with ease.
LoopMash has arrived to mangle and mash your tracks up like never before. This new little sonic torture device has been created to add that extra bit of randomisation to your music. These FXs can help add interest to beats, melodies and even master channels. These up to the minute FX styles are ideal for Dubstep and electronica, adding breaks, tape-stops and stutters. LoopMash had been designed for use in the studio, but really comes to life when used in a live environment. All the parameters can be mapped to any MIDI controller and performed in real time.
Developed to recreate the sound of classic FX units, the REVelation Reverb will add sparkle to any track. Steinberg have worked with professional engineers and film mixers to produce algorithms that sound just as stunning as the originals their mimicking. Reverbs are used to give sound a scene of space. They can be used on anything from vocals, strings to percussion to add a warm smooth ambience
Magneto hasn't been around since the days of Cubase SX, but now Steinberg have decided to resurrect and update this unit. What we have now is the new and shiny Magneto 2. Apart from having a facelift, Magneto 2 has been updated to produce a more realistic and natural tape saturation. Some critics say that digital is cold and lifeless, but not anymore because this little plugin will add the warmth that only analog tape can produce. Magneto 2 has a band-pass setting which allows you to select the frequency range of the effect you want to be applied. There is also a dual mode which simulates using two tape machines in sequence.
Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixing Console
Mixing Capability:
To view full features and specifications for the Yamaha 01V96i Digital Mixing Console please download
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